Banedanmark keeps Denmark’s railways on track. And with the country’s most talented chartered land surveyors and survey technicians, LE34 keeps Banedanmark’s surveying on track.
- Danish National Railway Agency & Banedanmark
- 1992 -
- Control surveys
- Well reports
- Monitoring
- Surveys for track renewal
- Setting out for new rail sections
- As-built documentation
- UAV mapping
- Laser scanning
- 3D models
- Establishment and recording of bench marks
LE34 has a long history of collaboration with Banedanmark, surveying several hundred kilometres of railway a year in connection with track renewal, raising of railway bridges, construction of new line sections, inspection of railway embankments and electrification of the railway. Land surveys provide reliable data which Banedanmark can use to plan its work.
Surveying on track
At first sight, tracks may simply seem long and straight, but there are lots of important details to be registered and measured correctly, such as installations, wells and terrain. LE34 has built up extensive experience and gained an in-depth understanding of the details such surveys should include, and of the needs of Banedanmark. We work with intelligent code tables, which are integrated into our surveying equipment. This helps ensure an effective surveying process and guarantees compliance with Banedanmark’s rail standards.

Anders Nygaard Møller, chartered land surveyor and partner, LE34
“Our decades of collaboration with Banedanmark have made us one of Denmark’s leading providers of rail surveying services. Covering several hundreds of kilometres of track each year, our survey technicians are both experienced and routined.”
Rail surveying without delays
LE34’s work on the tracks is often performed without any disturbance to train services. During the daytime, we only have three to fifteen minutes before the next train hurtles by – and LE34’s experienced teams help ensure that everything can be managed without compromising either on safety or on the quality of the surveyed data. We are flexible and also perform surveys at night when track closures ensure that we have a few undisturbed hours for our work.

Data for engineering companies
We are at Banedanmark’s service nationwide – from Esbjerg and Holstebro in the west to Oresund in the east, and from Frederikshavn in the north to Rødby and Tinglev in the south, where we are preparing track renewals and managing sophisticated projects such as monitoring of railway embankments and calculation of potential subsidence.
We are also a sub-supplier to leading engineering companies. They use the survey data we collect to prepare 3D models to indicate how much railway bridges should be raised to make room for the pylons and overhead lines Banedanmark needs for its extensive work to electrify the railway.

Land and rights
As a provider of surveying and land management services, we also help secure Banedanmark’s rights when they acquire land. This involves clarifying the legal basis for acquisition of land for establishment of new railway constructions for the line between Ringsted and Fehmarn and determining the compensation resulting from voluntary agreements, expropriation or imposition of easements for electrical operations.
We are flexible and participate in public meetings and negotiations with landowners, and we occasionally work as in-house consultants at Banedanmark.