Copenhagen Metro
The Metro’s new city circle line, Cityringen, and the South Harbour line connect all corners of the city, helping transform Copenhagen into a modern metropolis. LE34 helps unify Metroselskabet’s construction activities – we secure the legal and technical foundation.
- Metroselskabet, as a sub-contractor for Cowi
- 2008 - 2020
- Expropriation
- Calculation of compensation
- Land descriptions
- EIA reports
- Land consolidation
- Meetings with landowners and public meetings
- Preparation of easements
- Setting out
- Monitoring 24/7
- Setting of datum grid
- As-built documentation
- Project management
- Development of GIS app
- Maps and survey plans
The construction of the Copenhagen Metro is an extensive engineering project, involving a wide range of technical disciplines. As a provider of surveying and land management services, we play two key roles in the work on the new Cityring and South Harbour lines: one legal and one technical.
More metro – more metropolis
LE34’s work is an important brick in the foundation that enables the other suppliers on the project to get started on their activities and the work to be performed correctly. We are also involved in collecting data to document that the new Metro stations have been constructed as designed.
Our legal skills help ensure that Metroselskabet has the necessary rights to the land on which the Metro is being built. Specifically, we handle 50% of the work involved in preparing and carrying out expropriation of the land for the Metro, calculating proposals for compensation, entering into voluntary agreements with landowners on compensation, completion of land consolidation plans and cadastral procedures. We are also responsible for investigating and preparing easements for Metroselskabet – for example, safety easements – and we provide information about land and rights at public meetings and meetings with landowners.

Minus 24 degrees
Minus 24 degrees. LE34 was the surveying consultant on the spectacular, icy-cold construction of the Metro’s underground stairway from Købmagergade to Nørreport Station. To prevent the groundwater from flooding into the stairwell during the work, the entire area was frozen. LE34 monitored the project 24 hours a day to ensure that the area remained stable enough for the stairway to be built.
Monitoring as insurance
Due to our extensive experience with complex technical projects, we are also involved in securing the technical foundation for the building activities by establishing the datum grid. The digging and drilling contractors set out their work based on the datum points established by LE34: a datum grid is a vital foundation for any building and construction work.
Another of our technical tasks is to provide Metroselskabet with the tools they need to check and assess whether the work on the Metro is causing damage to the surrounding buildings. Before the earthworks began, we created a benchmark by measuring the deformations that occurred under normal conditions. With this benchmark in hand, Metroselskabet is able to evaluate whether any damage that appears during the construction period is due to work on the Metro.
We have performed extensive deformation surveys, for example on Gammel Strand, at Marmorkirken (The Marble Church) and at Kgs. Nytorv. As surveying consultant to Metroselskabet, we also checked whether the way in which the contractors monitor their work in the course of the construction activities is technically adequate, and whether they are able to register any damage to surrounding buildings and stop work before the damage spreads.

Before, during and after
LE34 has been involved in the work on the Copenhagen Metro from the very earliest stages of the planning activities to the actual construction work, and we will continue to be involved up to the final cadastral procedures after the first Metro trains begin running on the two new lines – Cityringen and the South Harbour line.
LE34 has also made its mark on the existing Metro lines from Vanløse to West Amager and from Vanløse to Copenhagen Airport. As a consultant to the Ørestad Development Corporation, we were responsible for cadastral procedures, preparation of easements and surveying consultancy services such as inspection and monitoring 24/7 of the entire tunnel stretch.
Find out more

You are welcome to contact project manager Lotte Andkjær if you are interested in further details.
Lotte Andkjær
Chartered land surveyor and partner
Specialist in land and rights acquisition
+45 5131 4236