Building sites
We are part of the process before, during and after your new build – from the preliminary legal and technical work to monitoring and as-built documentation. Our specialists are at your side throughout all phases of the construction work.

Experts in monitoring, setting out and as-built documentation
Our chartered land surveyors and survey technicians contribute to the development on the country’s building sites every day. Precision, reliability and security of supply are the foundation on which we build our activities.
Full-service supplier to building sites
Construction managers are increasingly demanding accurate survey data at short notice. At LE34, we are experts in all types of control survey, setting out and regular as-built documentation for inspection of major building projects across the country.
We supply site plans as a basis for design and analysis, establish bench marks, set out work lines and levels, monitor subsidence, perform volume calculations of excavations and review building permits, easements and boundary lines. To cut a long story short, we supply everything the construction manager on large construction projects needs, all in one place.
Richard Lindquist Capion, Chartered land surveyor, monitoring manager, LE34
“Monitoring is not merely insurance. Most people in the construction industry know that monitoring provides vital information about subsidence and risk of damage that could cause work stoppages. But, just as often, monitoring data ensures that we don’t stop work unnecessarily.”

The connecting thread
Regardless of where you are located, LE34 is always close at hand.
Follow the thread. Explore the possibilities.
The connecting thread
Regardless of where you are located, LE34 is always close at hand.
Follow the thread. Explore the possibilities.
Before construction work begins
We create a basis for visionary planning and optimal use of available land – always in close collaboration with the client, contractor, architect and authorities. We negotiate transfer of rights with landowners and handle expropriation, land registration and cadastral procedures.
During construction work
Two of the key elements of our work, for example during construction of the new metro stations and tunnels in Copenhagen, are setting out and monitoring. We survey and mark out where to dig and drill, and we monitor the surrounding buildings and tunnels to ensure that any impact from the work is detected, documented and stopped in time. Metroselskabet makes use of our 24/7 monitoring service and emergency response. This means that subsidence, cracks and changes are constantly monitored and data analysed by our experts around the clock.
After construction work ends
On a building project such as the Copenhagen Metro, monitoring surveys will continue after construction work ends. We also provide detailed as-built documentation. This constitutes the contractor’s final handover of the project to the client. We have refined our BIM models to such an extent that we are leading providers of Building Information Modelling (BIM). We are able to provide 3D files of both outdoor and indoor areas, containing every detail – surfaces, materials and dimensions.

Find out more

Our building site experts are located in all corners of the country. You are welcome to contact Anders Nygaard Møller if you would like to discuss a project, or find your local LE34 office below.
Anders Nygaard Møller
Chartered land surveyor and partner Director, Engineering Surveying
+45 5131 4212
Anders Nygaard Møller, chartered land surveyor / partner / director, engineering surveying
“We are part of the process before, during and after your new build – from the preliminary legal and technical work to monitoring and as-built documentation. Our specialists are at your side throughout all phases of the construction work.”